


Wyoming:美 [waɪˈoʊmɪŋ]


怀俄明州东邻南达科他州和内布拉斯加州,南接科罗拉多州,西连犹他州和爱达荷州,北接蒙大拿州。该州地形多样,包括落基山脉、高原和广阔的平原。著名的自然景观包括黄石国家公园(Yellowstone National Park)、大提顿国家公园(Grand Teton National Park)和魔鬼塔国家纪念碑(Devils Tower National Monument)。





  • 矿业:怀俄明州是美国最大的煤炭生产州之一,此外还有丰富的石油、天然气和钼资源。矿业是该州经济的主要支柱。
  • 农业:怀俄明州的牧场业非常发达,主要生产牛肉、羊肉和奶制品。农业还包括小麦、大麦和糖用甜菜的种植。
  • 旅游业:怀俄明州的自然景观和户外活动资源吸引了大量游客,每年有数百万游客前往黄石国家公园、大提顿国家公园和其他景点。



  • 怀俄明大学(University of Wyoming):位于拉勒米,是该州的主要公立大学,以其工程学、地质学和教育学项目著名。



  • 西部牛仔文化:怀俄明州以其牛仔文化而闻名,每年举办多场牛仔竞技表演和乡村音乐节,如夏延边境日(Cheyenne Frontier Days)。
  • 历史和遗产:怀俄明州有着丰富的历史遗迹和博物馆,如独立岩国家历史地标(Independence Rock State Historic Site)和怀俄明州立博物馆(Wyoming State Museum)。
  • 户外活动:怀俄明州提供丰富的户外活动机会,如远足、钓鱼、滑雪和狩猎。黄石国家公园和大提顿国家公园是热门的旅游目的地。
  • 艺术和文化:怀俄明州有多个艺术和文化中心,如杰克逊霍尔艺术中心(Jackson Hole Center for the Arts)和尼科尔斯艺术博物馆(Nicolaysen Art Museum)。



  • 夏延(Cheyenne):怀俄明州的首府和最大城市,是该州的政治和文化中心,以其牛仔竞技表演和历史建筑闻名。发音:美 [ˌʃaɪˈɛn]

  • 卡斯珀(Casper):怀俄明州的第二大城市,是重要的商业和工业中心,以其能源产业和户外活动资源闻名。

  • 拉勒米(Laramie):怀俄明大学的所在地,以其大学城氛围和丰富的文化活动著称。

  • 杰克逊(Jackson):位于大提顿山脉附近,是一个受欢迎的旅游目的地,以其滑雪胜地和自然美景闻名。




Wyoming, located in the western United States, is known for its stunning natural landscapes, rich mineral resources, and vast ranches. Here is a detailed introduction to Wyoming, covering its geographical location, population, economy, education, culture, and major cities.

Geographical Location

Wyoming is bordered by South Dakota and Nebraska to the east, Colorado to the south, Utah and Idaho to the west, and Montana to the north. The state features diverse terrain, including the Rocky Mountains, high plains, and expansive plateaus. Notable natural landmarks include Yellowstone National Park, Grand Teton National Park, and Devils Tower National Monument.


According to the 2020 Census, Wyoming has a population of approximately 576,851 people, making it the least populous state in the U.S. The population is mainly concentrated in the eastern and central parts of the state in cities such as Cheyenne and Casper. Wyoming’s population is primarily White, with small percentages of Latinos, Native Americans, and other minority groups.


Wyoming’s economy is based on mining, agriculture, and tourism, with a diverse industrial structure.

  • Mining: Wyoming is one of the largest coal producers in the U.S., with significant reserves of oil, natural gas, and molybdenum. Mining is a major pillar of the state’s economy.
  • Agriculture: Wyoming has a robust ranching industry, producing beef, lamb, and dairy products. Agriculture also includes the cultivation of wheat, barley, and sugar beets.
  • Tourism: Wyoming’s natural landscapes and outdoor activities attract numerous tourists. Millions visit Yellowstone National Park, Grand Teton National Park, and other attractions annually.


Wyoming is home to several higher education institutions known for their high-quality education and research programs.

  • University of Wyoming: Located in Laramie, it is the state’s main public university, known for its engineering, geology, and education programs.


Wyoming has a rich and diverse culture that includes Western cowboy culture, historical heritage, outdoor activities, and arts.

  • Western Cowboy Culture: Wyoming is famous for its cowboy culture, hosting numerous rodeo events and country music festivals each year, such as Cheyenne Frontier Days.
  • History and Heritage: Wyoming has rich historical landmarks and museums, such as Independence Rock State Historic Site and the Wyoming State Museum.
  • Outdoor Activities: Wyoming offers abundant outdoor activities, including hiking, fishing, skiing, and hunting. Yellowstone National Park and Grand Teton National Park are popular tourist destinations.
  • Arts and Culture: Wyoming has several arts and cultural centers, such as the Jackson Hole Center for the Arts and the Nicolaysen Art Museum.

Major Cities

Wyoming has several major cities, each with its unique charm.

  • Cheyenne: The capital and largest city of Wyoming, Cheyenne is the political and cultural center of the state, known for its rodeo events and historic buildings.
  • Casper: The second-largest city in Wyoming, Casper is an important commercial and industrial center, known for its energy industry and outdoor recreation opportunities.
  • Laramie: Home to the University of Wyoming, Laramie is known for its college-town atmosphere and vibrant cultural activities.
  • Jackson: Located near the Teton Range, Jackson is a popular tourist destination, known for its ski resorts and natural beauty.


Wyoming is known for its magnificent natural landscapes, rich mineral resources, and distinctive Western culture. The state holds a significant position in mining, agriculture, and tourism, while its unique natural scenery and abundant outdoor activities attract numerous tourists and new residents. Whether in bustling cities or amidst breathtaking natural landscapes, Wyoming showcases its distinctive charm.






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